In 2012, Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program established the Chemo Duck Warriors team for the Nashville race. It was such a success and we had so many of our friends wanting to participate in other cities that we decided to expand and allow folks from all over the country to join our team and help raise awareness about childhood cancer. This year, we would like to increase our team to at least 50 members so come join the fun and become a Chemo Duck Warrior!
Chemo Duck Warriors are a team of individuals that sign up as official participants and then commit to raising funds for Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program through their participation in the race. Chemo Duck Warriors are encouraged to approach family and friends to ask them to sponsor them in the race and show their support for our program.
Become a Chemo Duck Warrior Today:
- Visit the main Warrior Dash website and sign up for your local Warrior Dash.
- Send a list of e-mail addresses for all team members to You will be provided with letter templates, pictures and a brief description of Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program to use for fundraising efforts.
- Set a fundraising goal. Aim high! You will be surprised at how easy it is to achieve your goal. Remember, it only costs $30 to put a Chemo Duck in the arms of a child living with cancer. So if your goal is to provide 20 kids with Chemo Ducks, set your goal at $600.
- Create your personal Chemo Duck Warriors page on Click the “Team” tab under Chemo Duck Warriors 2013, then click the “Join the Team” button.
NOTE: Crowdrise is the platform we are using to organize our team fundraising program (since we’re unable to do so through the main Warrior Dash website) so be sure to sign up at both websites – Warrior Dash & Crowdrise – to complete this process. - Encourage your friends and family to support you and your team. We created an easy-to-use fundraising letter to help you reach your goal. Simply download the document, enter your personal information (name, event date and fundraising goals) and send to your friends and family!
T-Shirts & Prizes
Team members who raise $180 (6 ducks) or more will receive a Chemo Duck t-shirt to race in (NOTE: must be one week before the race to allow time for shipping). The highest fundraiser on each team will receive a gift pack and may choose a hospital to donate their teams’ Chemo Ducks to. The highest fundraiser overall will receive an iPod Touch to help them train and will have 24 Chemo Ducks donated in their honor to the hospital of their choice.
Connect with us
Be sure to connect with us on Facebook and share your stories and pictures along the way!