When you’ve found yourself in a situation that no parent or caregiver ever imagined themselves in, you may feel shocked and unable to fully comprehend the situation. The next steps to re-organizing your life may seem impossible.
The next few monthly e-newsletters will feature different chapters from our digital Parent-to-Parent Guide.
This guide was created from a combination of experiences of many families who have faced childhood cancer. Each family has a different set of needs, emotions and circumstances. The document gives parents and caregivers the knowledge and insight into creating a pathway that best fits their personal situations.
“When we started working on the Parent-to-Parent Guide we wanted to have something that was created by many parents so that it wasn’t just one person’s opinions and experiences. The guide was a group effort,” said Lu Sipos, founder of Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program. “The goal was to create a document that would be as useful as possible to as many people as possible.”
The first three sections of the guide serve as a tool to help you digest and understand your child’s diagnosis and come to terms with your new ‘reality’. We hope you take time to digest these heartfelt notes from our own experience.
Following these sections is a Communication Plan. This plan provides insight that families can use as a guide to provide effective communication to family members and friends.
The communication plan provides information on multiple methods to communicate information and updates including phone calls, journaling, blogging and more.
Stay tuned to our monthly e-newsletters as we continue to explore the guide — and encourage others to sign up to our list who may benefit from this information!