Sponsorship Opportunities

Our goal is to bring Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program to as many children living with cancer as possible. Chemo Duck enables hospital staff and parents to prepare children for chemotherapy treatment and eliminate the fear of the unknown. In a gentle, age-appropriate manner, children are exposed to life during cancer treatment and now have a friend to share the experience with. In turn, children can use Chemo Duck to help friends, siblings and classmates understand and empathize with their experience.

By becoming a hospital sponsor, you will not only put huggable hope into the arms of one child but many. There are two ways to adopt a hospital.

  1. Donate a Flock – you can provide six or more ducks to a hospital of your choice. If you would like to help provide Chemo Ducks for children at a hospital currently waiting for a sponsor, please contact info@chemoduck.org for a list of hospitals currently anticipating a delivery of Chemo Ducks. Donations of 24 or more Chemo Ducks will receive a 20% discount on orders
  2. Annual Hospital Sponsor – if you would like to exclusively support a particular hospital and provide Chemo Ducks to all the children with cancer on an annual basis, this is the perfect donor package for you. Our staff with work with you to set up this program to ensure the hospital of your choice receives Chemo Ducks every year.Benefits of being an Annual Hospital Sponsor include:
    • Press release about sponsorship sent to all Chemo Duck media contacts
    • Feature article in Chemo Duck Chatter, our e-newsletter
    • Logo and link on website.
    • Wall Art to display at your office.
    • Please contact lu@chemoduck.org for more information.

If you know of a corporation that is looking to support Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program to allow us to expand the program, as well as providing Chemo Ducks to children living with cancer, please contact info@chemoduck.org to customize a package that fits your needs.

All benefits of annual sponsorship PLUS:

  • Press release about sponsorship sent to all Chemo Duck media contacts
  • Opportunity to customize a T-shirt for Chemo Duck with company logo
  • Opportunity for sponsorship of Chemo Duck booths at trade shows

Please contact info@chemoduck.org to customize a package that fits your needs. For more information on hospital sponsorships, download our Hospital Sponsorship Packet.

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